Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Are satan and demons a separate beings or just in our MIND ?

Answer by Michael Morin :

Matthew 16:23: The key to understand how the mind which belongs to mankind, so to say: the spiritual faculty of men, is being ruled by Satan, the source of human thoughts.
We are aware that the battleground is the mind, the source of the thoughts. Jesus acknowledged that the battleground was in the mind. This is supported by Mark 8:23 and Matthew 16:23 " (NIV) "Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns."

Some other translations say "Get behind me, Satan, because you're not thinking God's thoughts, but human thoughts!" (International Standard Version) or "Get out of my way, Satan! You aren't thinking the way God thinks but the way humans think" (God's Word) or "Get you behind me, Satan: for you mind not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men." (American KJV) (Note: all humans or men, in the sense of mankind)

Oh I like this passage! Was Jesus speaking to Satan, or directly to the personal human mind of Peter? Obviously, as Peter was not Satan, then Jesus was speaking of the source of the thoughts of all men, so to say: the mind/spirit ruling mankind.

In Luke 10:18, Jesus mentioned Satan falling from heaven. Who is Satan?
Satan means: The profoundly evil adversary of God. Satan is rather a generic term used as the common meaning to describe the mind or spirit against God. Satan is the Hebrew word for "adversary". ha-Satan is Hebrew for "the accuser"; we have translated as the devil. The original Hebrew term, satan, is a noun from a verb meaning primarily: “to obstruct, to oppose,” as it is found in Numbers 22:22, 1 Samuel 29:4, Psalms 109:6. Thus, from now on, you must understand that "Satan" is referring to an "universal spirit bound to mankind" or "an universal mind acting as an outside influence to broadcast thoughts" which opposes and hinders the work of God, so to say: the Gospel of our Salvation. In any case, Jesus had in mind some "dark being" or "entity" standing beside him....as we used to picture Satan as a dark, devilish being with 2 horns and a forked tail!

Satan is the outside spiritual influence upon mankind, against the Mind of Christ.
As said previously, Satan means the mind of the "accuser", the "opposer, the one who hinders, the one who obstructs or resists, and opposes the work of God, the Gospel of our Salvation.

When the Lord says : AT LAST!!!!!!!

The genuine Perpetual Sacrifice is the Mind of Christ.

The Mind of Christ is Spirit, with the thoughts of God. Here are some thoughts from the Mind of Christ:

From Hebrews 10:10 " And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." and from Hebrews 10:14, it is said that : "For by one sacrifice he (Christ) has made perfect forever those who are being made holy."

Not only this Mind makes you Holy and Perfect before God, but we must also understand that the Mind of the Perpetual Covenant is an everlasting State of Mind in a perpetual/continuous sense, and is bound to the expression "Everlasting Covenant, Perpetual Sacrifice.

I testify here, that the Mind of Christ is the genuine and only New Birth.

Why the Mind of Christ is the Genuine New Birth

Why is the Mind of Christ the genuine New Birth? Because it is an Everlasting Spirit, and dwells only in the Everlasting Sacrifice through the blood of Jesus. As the Mind of Christ means also the Spirit of Christ, each son or daughter of God is a spiritual "sanctuary".

If we agree that the word "perpetual" means "continuous, uninterrupted, continuing in time or space without interruption, day and night", then just remember the same expression "day and night" is used in Revelation 12:10

"Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, ―It has happened at last! God’s salvation and the power and the rule, and the authority of his Christ are finally here; for the Accuser of our brothers has been thrown down from heaven onto earth - he accused them day and night before our God. " ...(this is the abomination of the desolation in the sanctuary spoken in Daniel 11:31)

As the expression day and night means "never-ending, ceaseless, perpetual, continual, unceasing, constant, uninterrupted...and we understand also that Revelation 12;10 locates "the accuser of the brethren" before God "in their mind" or "their heart" (this is the heavenly place, because the mind is spirit) we must understand that Mind of Christ is the Holy Rest of God, the Promised Land, or to say: the Peace of Mind in Christ forever.

The Mind of Christ is the never-ending thought of the New Covenant!

Be blessed


  1. Michael Morin´s explanation what sin is ?

    I would like to share with you this comment I found from a brother named OSHO, about the right meaning of the word "sin" and this post is titled "The true sin against God" This post is just a "follow-up" of the post available below.
    The Original Hebrew word for "sin" has been wrongly translated... Its true meaning will pleasantly surprise you! I invite you to read this post until the very end and ponder about my conclusion.
    The original word "sin" means - to miss.
    It doesn’t mean to commit something wrong; it simply means to miss, to be absent. The Hebrew root for the word sin, means to miss. That exists in a few English words: misconduct, misbehavior.
    To miss means not to be there, doing something without being present there — this is the only sin. And the only virtue: while you are doing something you are fully alert.
    Other meanings are : "selfremembering", "being rightly mindful", "awareness", "To be there! "— that’s all that is needed, nothing more. You need not change anything, and even if you try to change you cannot"
    The original Hebrew word for sin is very beautiful. By translating it as “sin,” Christians have missed the very message of Jesus. The original Hebrew word for sin is so totally different from your idea of sin that it will be a surprise to you.
    The root word means forgetfulness; it has nothing to do with what you are doing. The whole thing is whether you are doing it with conscious being or out of unconsciousness.
    Are you doing it with a self-remembering or have you completely forgotten yourself?
    Any action of unconsciousness is sin. The action may look virtuous, but it cannot be. You may create a beautiful façade, a character, a certain virtuousness; you may speak the truth, you may avoid lies; you may try to be moral, and so on and so forth. But if all this is coming from unconsciousness, it is all sin.
    It is because of this that Jesus has a tremendously significant saying. He says, “If your right eye causes you to sin, take it out and throw it away. It is much better for you to lose a part of your body than to have your whole body throw into hell.”
    I will write again what was published above:
    What is conscience?
    Conscience is an aptitude, faculty, intuition or judgment that assists in distinguishing right from wrong. Moral judgment may derive from values or norms (principles and rules) which have been learned. (learned= acquired knowledge) In psychological terms conscience is often described as leading to feelings of remorse when a human commits actions that go against his/her moral values and to feelings of rectitude or integrity when actions conform to such norms. The extent to which conscience informs moral judgment before an action and whether such moral judgments are or should be based in reason has occasioned debate through much of the history of Western philosophy.
    Religious views of conscience usually see it as linked to a morality inherent in all humans, to a beneficent universe and/or to divinity. The diverse ritualistic, mythical, doctrinal, legal, institutional and material features of religion may not necessarily cohere with experiential, emotive, spiritual or contemplative considerations about the origin and operation of conscience. Common secular or scientific views regard the capacity for conscience as probably genetically determined, with its subject probably learned or imprinted (like language) as part of a culture.
    Commonly used metaphors for conscience include the "voice within" and the "inner light". Conscience, as is detailed in sections below, is a concept in national and international law, is increasingly conceived of as applying to the world as a whole, has motivated numerous notable acts for the public good and been the subject of many prominent examples of literature, music and film. Source: Wikipedia

  2. Conscience belongs to learned or acquired moral values since early childhood. I just wanted to pinpoint that our moral values are first learned primarily through interactions between parents and children, interactions in which it is mandatory for parents to be physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually present and involved in the lives of their children. Same for religious beliefs.
    Faith should never be submitted to acquired knowledge of values. Both are ruled from different spiritual realms.
    Here, Abraham is a good example that I can use as a reference to illustrate the conflict between conscience and genuine Faith. We are all aware that Abraham overcame his human conscience, when his Faith ruled his learned moral values stored in his human knowledge.
    Let's take Hebrew 11: 17-19 "By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had embraced the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, even though God had said to him, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.” Some argue that Abraham reasoned that God could even raise the dead, and so in a manner of speaking he did receive Isaac back from death. But Abraham's faith was much more aware
    Abraham was an overcomer because his faith was the awareness a superior knowledge. Using the branch of the knowledge of good in Abraham's conscience, (the extreme tip of the branch of the GOOD, Satan (his human mind) fought through Abraham's conscience, trying to convince Abraham that killing his son and offering his body in sacrifice was evil. Abraham was aware that human sacrifice was a pagan act of killing one or more human beings as part of a religious ritual (ritual killing). Abraham knew that human sacrifice had been practised in various cultures throughout history and probably even during his era from the nations dwelling around. But Abraham's faith excelled. Why ? Because Abraham received a revelation from God. And Abraham's seed will receive the same revelation, and they will overcome their old serpent flesh and blood.
    Now, if you don’t understand the real meaning of sin, you are bound to misinterpret the whole statement and Jesus will look too harsh, too violent. Saying, “If you right eye causes you to sin, take it out and throw it away,” does not look like his statement. A man of profound love and compassion, he cannot say this, he cannot be so violent. But this is how Christians have interpreted him.
    What he means is this: Whatsoever causes you to forget yourself bound to the Everlasting Covenant of God, which had been sealed by an oath. When God made his promise to Abraham, he took an oath to keep it. But there was no one greater than himself to take an oath by. So he took his oath by making an appeal to himself.
    Now understand: Even if it is your right eye… That is just to emphasize the fact. It is simply a way of talking, an emphasis: “If your right eye causes you to forget yourself bound to the oath of God, then take it out and throw it away.”
    Jesus was not saying anything that has to be taken literally; it was a metaphor. He was saying that it is better to be blind than to be forgetful of yourself bound to New Covenant, because the blind man who remembers himself is not blind, he has the real eye. But if a man who has eyes forgets himself, what is the use of having eyes? He cannot see even himself; what ELSE can he see?
    Conclusion: The original word for"sin" means - to miss.
    Miss what? The true sin is to not believe God's oath, which sealed the Everlasting Covenant, and to be forgetful of yourself bound the words of God, which say that through the blood of Jesus, you are as much Holy and Perfect, than God Himself. This is the only sin. All the "other sins" are belonging to your acquired moral values (the tree of knowledge of good and evil), and are only the the consequence of the true sin.
