Monday, March 19, 2012

God - who is he?

There is quite a bit we can claim to know about the nature of God based upon the scriptures and our various understandings of those same scriptures. Yet we still manage to argue endlessly with one another concerning what we, in reality, have very limited comprehension of, namely:
 what is God like. We have questions about what the God-head is and how many persons are in it, whether the Son is the same as the Father or a separate person, was the Son created like most sons on earth, is God both male and female, is the Spirit a person or a force or a part of God . . . etc.?
 I think you all know what I mean. These are questions we would like answers to, and some of us think we have all the answers to these already. Really!

~ This is what I believe:
It is apparently in our nature, given by God, to inquire about the Creator; but to know God fully is like a lump of clay trying to grasp the inner workings of the master potter as he works the wheel. So, let’s not presume we have much understanding of this subject; and let’s not get so tied up with arguing our viewpoint that we make enemies of our brethren and divide into different camps with watchmen on the walls. Aren’t we called to love one another? So let’s not make needless war with our comrades in arms, believing that we have better understanding than they.

3-19-12 ~ N. DeLaHunt

1 comment:

  1. Read Job 38

    “Behold, I am vile; What shall I answer You?
    I lay my hand over my mouth.
    Once I have spoken, but I will not answer, Yes, twice, but I will proceed no further.” Job 40:4-5
