Sunday, April 26, 2015


 The devil wants to use your imagination to make mountains out of molehills to discourage. Mountains are best built within a corrupted imagination. God knows you can wander into the stormy sea of vain imaginations. He provided in His Word, however, ways to calm every storm.

 Scripture says the weapons of your warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to pull down corrupted thoughts that would rise against His Word, will and ways in your life. ( Read 2 Corinthians 10 ). Pulling down negative thoughts is something that you have to do. It’s like taking down and replacing old pictures of loved ones for new ones. Others can’t do that for you. “So how often do you pull those thoughts down,” you ask? The answer is every time you have one. God will not take those thoughts captive for you. 
You have to do it. “How do you pull down a corrupted thought or imagination,” you inquire?

 You pull them down by first recognizing that you are having an imagination. You need to be able to see the imagination coming alive within your soul. Imaginations are pictures within your mind of thoughts, events or conversations that are only in the unseen world within you. 

They are not real.

 The devil offers you corrupted thoughts hoping you will take the bait and image them as possible. 

You Prayer Warrior and Brother In Christ; Apostle Antonio Toriaga

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