Thursday, May 21, 2015

Where are the Samuels who have heard the voice of God ?

Where are the Samuels who have heard the voice of God, who have been awakened by the Holy Spirit and have received a revelation of soon-coming judgments upon a backslidden Church?

 Why aren't all preachers of the Gospel grieving over the sinful condition of God's house?

 Why aren't all pastors and evangelists crying out as watchmen on the wall? 

Scripture says that Samuel was given a vision in which God pronounced the end of a backslidden religious structure, and "Samuel told [Eli] everything, and hid nothing from him" (1 Samuel 3:18). I ask you, pastor: 

Are you telling it all? 

Are you holding back hiding the truth, afraid of offending your people?


  1. Beware of being in places you should not be in and listening to voices that are contrary to God. A true representative of God will stand and speak the truth irrespective of the cost. A false
    representative will tell you exactly what your heart wants to hear even if the direction you are going in is leading you to spiritual death.

  2. There is a blessing that goes forth that incorporates God’s love, the grace of Jesus and communion of the Holy Spirit. When you get into a stressful place of too much ministry and not enough intimacy we must stop and sit at the feet of Jesus until we are loved, graced and empowered for service. Today choose the one thing that is needed.

  3. "God hates the LUKEWARM GOSPEL OF HALF-TRUTHS that is now spreading over the Globe. This gospel says, 'Just believe in Jesus and you'll be Saved. There's nothing more to it.' It ignores the Whole Counsel of God, which speaks of Repenting from former Sins, of Taking up your Cross, of being conformed to the Image of Christ by the refining work of the Holy Spirit. It is totally silent about the Reality of Hell and an After-Death Judgment."

  4. God’s testimony is never that His people are lying on their faces, crying rivers of tears. No, the testimony He wants to bring forth in His people is joy—genuine, lasting joy. “The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). This joy—which results from biblical preaching and true repentance—brings true strength to God’s people and draws sinners into His house.
