Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last days

Noah’s Ark In the Now..

These are the last days. This cannot be denied, and most people will agree that this is so. Men’s hearts are failing them for fear of what is coming upon the earth. The leaders of nations are meeting together to try to find a way out, but with little success. Much of the world lives in constant fear, while the rest of it is either in ignorance of world events or is trying to forget by means of pleasure, frantic activity or drugs. The outlook certainly is dark to say the least, from the viewpoint of the natural man.

In the midst of all this, where is God? What is He doing about the situation? Thanks be to God, He is right on time with His program of deliverance. Nothing has gotten out of hand for Him. Everything is moving right along on schedule. For you see, God is preparing a vessel of deliverance for His people, and a means of judgment for His enemies. Exactly as He did in the days of Noah. Jesus spoke some powerful words in Matthew chapter 24 concerning the last days and the time of His return. Let’s read Matt 24:36-39...
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. BUT AS THE DAYS OF NO’E WERE, SO SHALL ALSO THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN BE. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that No’e entered into the ark, And knew not UNTIL THE FLOOD CAME, AND TOOK THEM ALL AWAY; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”

Look at this scripture closely. Jesus is saying the last days will bear a marked similarity to the days in which Noah lived. All most folks think about is that back there they were eating and drinking and getting married. Well that was going on long before Noah’s day, and has been going on ever since. Some think that as it was in Noah’s day, some were taken and some were left, and they want to be taken. You’d better hope not, for it was not righteous Noah and his sons that were taken. They were left behind to inherit the new earth. It was the wicked who were “taken away.” Most of our book-fed theologians who have no divine revelation on the Word are teaching the people to pray that they will be “taken when Jesus comes.” Take another look at Matthew 24..

Seeing and Hearing
''we are studying how to know God’s voice and the prophetic gifts that He has given to His church, I want to begin by sharing what may be one of the most prolific messages God’s people have been receiving.''

Isaiah 11:11
And in that day the Lord shall again lift up His hand a second time to recover (acquire and deliver) the remnant of His people which is left, from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Pathros, from Ethiopia, from Elam [in Persia], from Shinar [Babylonia], from Hamath [in Upper Syria], and from the countries bordering on the [Mediterranean] Sea

the message of Isaiah 11:11 because it is here that God promises to restore Israel to their land a second time.

'' When Isaiah received this message, Israel had not even been scattered from the land and re-gathered the first time. When Jesus was asked about the signs of the end of the age, one of the things He said was that we should consider the fig tree, which is a symbol for Israel. Israel is one of the bold prophetic messages that prophets watch and consider. Israel is a barometer of mankind. It is in a perpetual state of conflict, both within and without. This has lasted for so long and they have desired peace so much that they have even been willing to give up large parts of their tiny bit of land in the hope of achieving peace. However, instead of leading to peace, the land they surrendered has become a base for attacking them. Their peace will never come from man, but only from God. The good news is that it will come from God, which is the most basic message of Isaiah 11.''

Peace will never come by giving away what God assigned to us, but rather by esteeming everything He has given to us even more than peace with men and by seeing His purpose as even more valuable than life. It is time for Israel to be grafted back into the Tree—God Himself. It is a beginning to be re-gathered to the land, but it is more important to be re-gathered to the Lord...

Israel is a sign of God’s faithfulness to His Word. In Jeremiah 31, the Lord states that the order of the sun, moon, and the roaring of the sea would cease before His promises for Israel would fail. Many believe that these are now fulfilled in the church, “spiritual Israel.” This is true of many of them, but this does not negate that they are also for “natural Israel.” The Lord makes it clear in His Word in a number of places that these are for the physical seed of Abraham. The Apostle Paul also asserted this in his most important Epistle on New Covenant theology, the Book of Romans, as we read in chapters nine through eleven. As we are warned in this text, it is a big mistake to “become arrogant toward the natural branches” (see Romans 11:18)...

The main message of the re-gathered nation of Israel is that God is faithful to His Word. He remains faithful even if we are unfaithful, and in His faithfulness He will give us another chance. The whole chapter of Isaiah11 is about the restoration of the earth to the paradise it was originally created to be, a second chance for the whole earth—the re-gathering of Israel “the second time” is a sign that this is near. The kingdom of God that God’s people have been praying for since Jesus walked the earth is near. ..     

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