Monday, May 16, 2011

Old or New testament - or both?

I just want to help you to understand each other more.
It is important to NOT MIX spiritual meaning from OT with Earthly (Fleshly) meaning.
If you only know and keep NT you will just be "Giant Christian baby" because you are just drinking MILK. If you only know and keep OT you will stay blind and veil will not be taken of your eyes.  But if you read and believe in both then you will have not only milk but also solid food, which is prophetic and spiritual revelations about God the Father from OT.

  I will explain how I mean:

Rom. 6:14-15 “For SIN SHALL NOT BE MASTER OVER YOU, for you are not under law, but under grace.”

==> You must know and agree what is : sin, law and grace, otherwise you are talking in vain. In Short:
 Sin = satan´s and demons works which lead you to death.
Law = You must distinguish between "Written word" and "Oral word" and civil, ceremonial and spiritual law.
Grace = Grace is power from Holy Spirit to STOP sining.
(Gal 2:21). Gal 2:19: "For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God.” in other words, Paul is saying the law is dead to him. We don't use what is dead to have life.
==> Paul did not say "the law is dead to him" but "He died to the law" which means "Sin shall NOT master him anymore". So you are both right partially and you are both wrong partially (Se lnik below, The reason Christians are fighting )

Quote: you also keep circumcision, offer blood sacrifices, burnt offerings and observe sabbath?

==> Prophetic and Spiritual meaning of those words from OT are:
Circumcision = Holy Spirit will circumcise your heart,
Blood sacrifice = Jesus shared His blood for you
Burnt offerings = convince you of your own sin and cleanse you.
Observe sabbath = Don´t forget to work and remind you of your salvation and eternal life

1 Timothy 4:3 They forbid people to marry AND ORDER THEM TO ABSTAIN FROM CERTAIN FOODS..

==> I believe this is about Catholic Church and demon doctrines, they forbid priests to marry because Satan knows that it will lead them to sin and to die, as we have wittinessed lately that was what happened.

 We do have knowledge today what is clean and what is not clean to eat. Obviously people do eat pork and they still live they are not dead. So it is not unclean physically but it was dangerous before we could store food in proper way . Question is, is it unclean spiritually? I think that each person who is lead by the Holy Spirit can decide this for him/her self in each case. AND Bible speaks about "Word of God" as food, bread this implicates that when we read about food in OT we should think about "Unclean teaching and unclean Religious doctrine" that is the spiritual meaning of food, just like spiritual meaning of animal offering means "Offering of your talents today". Don´t offer anything blemished to the Lord, give Him your best talent.  

Who is Pharisee today?

The reason Christians are fighting is because they believe they have a clear picture - And that is a lie

Read following two notes on my wall if you like.
1. Who is Pharisee today?
2. The reason Christians are fighting is because they believe they have a clear picture - And that is a lie

-------- Covenant  ------------
“…and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced, and prospered.” Dan 8:12
 The Apostate church of today, who John the Revelator called the “Mother of Harlots”, has conceived the greatest deception since the beginning of time. Only this one is so palatable that “if it were possible, even the very elect” will be deceived. Strip the outer layers and you’ll have the exact same deception as the serpent used against Eve.

What am I talking about? Covenants! YHWH made a covenant with his very first creation, Adam: “Eat from every tree of the garden except one and you will live. Eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and you will die.” We all know what happened because Adam broke the Covenant.

Agreements between people have always been an important part of any social group in history. Although different forms of ratifying contracts have been used since their inception, they all have several elements in common:

  1. There are two or more parties involved in the agreement
  2. Something of value is given by each party to the other party
  3. Each party receives something of value from the other party
  4. All parties confirm/insure the agreement with an oath (promise)
  5. Typically, there is a witness or two to confirm that the agreement took place
  6. Provisions (terms & penalties if broken by either party)
  7. Time frame for beginning and end of agreement
Prove this for yourself in the Covenants YHWH made with Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Israel (through Moses, and then Yashua). All elements MUST EXIST. If they don’t, the agreement is flawed.

Today, people brake their word without blinking an eye, and think nothing of it the next day. The understanding of “my word is my bond” is an ancient byword that means nothing to most people in this day and age. Hence, the understanding and wisdom of a Covenant has easily been “cast down” and “practiced and prospered” in the greatest deception of all time.

So-called “Christian Churches” (which fulfill the definition of a Harlot by all the prophets) would have you believe that the New Covenant is a one-sided contract. The concept of grace and the free gift of salvation is abused, distorted, and profaned by convincing people to believe they aren’t under any obligation to perform certain terms of the “agreement”.

Either the Old Covenant was abolished and nothing replaced it, or the Old Covenant (agreement) was replaced by a New Covenant (agreement) where all 7 elements above exist, complete with obligations on the part of both parties. If you believe in Yashua, the son of YHWH, whose death provides the means for salvation from eternal death, then you must also have received that knowledge in order to believe such a thing from the Holy Scriptures which tell us that there is a New Covenant (agreement) between YHWH and His people.

And if you believe the Holy Scriptures, then you MUST believe that there are terms that obligate you to performing your part of the contract (agreement, covenant), contrary to what the Mother of Harlots is teaching. What do you understand to be your part (obligation) under the New Covenant?


  1. you must not have read or understood my last comment on my other note, so I will repost it here since you simply reiterated your previous response, without responding to the substance of my reply to it.

    Your attempt to describe our only "part" (aka "obligation") under the New Covenant (aka "agreement") assumes that we (in and of ourselves) have the ABILITY to LOVE the Creator or LOVE our neighbor (the two commandments upon which all the law and the prophets hang). This comes from Yashua’s response to a Pharisee’s attempt to corner Him with a trick question, “Which is the greatest commandment of the law?” (Mt 22:34-40).

    Yashua’s reply was based on precepts that already existed in the Torah (Deut 6:5; Lev. 19:18), within which the Old Covenant was embodied. This was NOT a new concept then, NOR is it part of the New Covenant today. How can we possibly fulfill our part in an agreement attempting to do something we’re incapable of - LOVE?

    In fact, this was the very reason for the need of a New Covenant (Jeremiah 31: 32; Heb 8:9) – BECAUSE THEY COULD NOT KEEP (fulfill, accomplish) THE OLD COVENANT. Yashua was simply stating Israel’s terms under the Old Covenant which Moses explained in the Torah 1450 years previously – “Love YHWH with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself, and in so doing, fulfill the law” (Mt 22:40) – “WHICH COVENANT THEY BROKE”.

    In and of ourselves, we are vile, corrupt sinners, in whom there is "NO GOOD THING" (Rom 3:9-18). Our “righteousnesses are filthy rags” (Is 64:6). INCAPABLE OF LOVE, which is why the Old Covenant was broken (Jeremiah 31:32

  2. Effective and Defective Priests..Leviticus 21:17 says that no descendants of Aaron that had defects were allowed to minister to God in His sanctuary. This was, of course, one of the provisions of the Old Covenant, which was applied to those with physical defects. But when we look at the law through the eyes of Christ and apply it in a New Covenant manner, the law takes on an internal application.

    The law will always be interpreted according to the covenant that defines a person's relationship with God. The Old Covenant focuses upon externals as symbolic of heart matters; the New Covenant focuses upon the heart and subordinates the externals to their proper place as types and shadows of the real.

    The external forms demanded by the Old Covenant to fulfill the law were meant to teach spiritual things. The problem was that, as time passed, the forms came to be thought of as God's top priority and as ends in themselves. The prophets complained about this continually, saying in Isaiah 29:13,

    13 Then the Lord said, Because this people draw near with their words, and honor Me with their lip service, But they remove their hearts far from Me, and their reverence for Me consists of traditions learned by rote..

  3. Jesus too identified the problem, saying in Mark 7:6-9,

    6 … Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far away from Me. 7 But in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men. 8 Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men. 9 He was also saying to them, You nicely set aside the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition.

    The religious leadership did not know the mind of God, yet they were trying to interpret the law that He had given. They were over-focused upon external forms as well, and thus had their priorities all wrong..

  4. Leviticus 22:29
    And when you offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the LORD, offer it of your own free will.
    1 Chronicles 16:35
    And say, “Save us, O God of our salvation, Gather us together, and deliver us from the Gentiles, To give thanks to Your holy name, To triumph in Your praise.”

    Luke 21:3-4
    So He said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.”
    Jesus Predicts the Destruction of the Temple

    What she gave was a perfect without defects.
    Luke 21:5-6

    Jesus Predicts the Destruction of the Temple

    Then, as some spoke of the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and donations, He said, “These things which you see the days will come in which not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down.”

  5. By Julie's Faith Speak Toriaga Yeshua Our Saviour! He said; Upon This Rock I will Build My ''EKKLESSIA.''-CHURCH! THE SPIRITUAL TEMPLE NOT MADE BY THE HAND MEN BUT BY GOD..
