Monday, May 09, 2011

Where is your place?

When we talk of the Hand of God, we are talking of His power/might and His leadership and guidiance upon our life into a specific place assignment.
When we talk of the Arm of the LORD, we are talking of His deliverance power to bring out of trouble

When we talk of the Finger of God, we are talking of His judgment against our enemies or oppressors!

But the must importance thing to ALWAYS remember is that,
"The grace of God cannot keep you WHERE the will of God did not lead you!"

Even other enjoys grace or succeed in the same thing or place, It will become to you like a CONTINUOUS situation/something you will have to cope with.
And the price will be on you since you do not have grace for it, unless Arm of God delivers you from it and the Hand of God redirect your life to where you belong!
There is something and somewhere that God has blessed for you to do and be.
There is someone and some people that God has assigned to your life for you to flourish with!
You are a specific person your self, don't attempt to become everything by emulation!

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