Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hurt by the Church?

Hurt by the Church?...let's define that

By Kt Ford

I have heard, and have even said at one time or another, "I've been hurt by the church.' This was based on some 'experience' in a building, a place called church, that was not a pleasant experience. In talking to God about this, I was told...'the church DID NOT hurt you...' So, here's an explanation of such terms:

We must always be sure to distinguish between the Lord’s invisible, universal, spiritual Church (the Ecclesia) and the non-profit religious organization that meets in a building with a steeple on top. The difference is incalculable, and we dare not make the mistake of confusing the two. Please understand that we do not question the right of any religious group to peaceably assemble together, elect their leaders, receive monies, have membership requirements, and govern themselves in the manner they see fit – as long as we realize that such a right is a civil right and is neither inalienable, Scriptural, or mandated by God Himself. That doesn’t make it wrong, but neither does it make it spiritual. The Ecclesia is not an organization or invention of man, but an organism filled with the Life, and whether we worship “in Jerusalem or in this mountain” is not as important to God as whether or not we worship Him “in Spirit and in Truth.”

So where is the distinction? What makes it an issue?

It becomes an issue when spiritual or Scriptural significance is erroneously attached to a mere social contrivance, cultural norm, religious tradition, organizational structure, or place of meeting.

When the waters are muddied and the lines are blurred between the social expectation, tradition, or custom of the religious organization and the true spiritual life and essence of the Ecclesia or the individual believer then such a system has the potential to evolve into a dangerous form of spiritual abuse or religious elitism. THAT is where the hurt comes from.

What is Babylon?
It is the marriage of church and state, religion and government; or to be more direct, it is allowing the leaven of the world to spread via Organized Religion and Institutional Christianity.

As an example, consider how pastoring a church has become more of a profession than a calling, and how church government has digressed from a theocratic, Spirit-led consensus to a “Spirit-led” democracy, or worse, a “Spirit-led” benevolent dictatorship of a single pastor or a church board. This is the result of the spirit of Babylon. Whereas the True Church is to be “in the world, but not of the world”, Babylon is that which is both in the world and of the world – it is by, for, and of the worldly system, yet it retains the outward appearances of godliness and spirituality. It is a synthesis of God and man, taking the best that each has to offer and fashioning a golden calf with it.

I often see 'churches' in my area that are led by a 'family.' The Daddy was the founder, the son takes over for the Dad when he retires, and the son's son, yet a child, is being groomed to take over at the proper time. All to keep things in the natural family. One things friends, anointings can't be inherited...that is not God's way. The 'church' starts a school, and the school 'carries' the church financially. Yet, the 2 entities are separate. The teachers of the school are poorly paid, and for that matter, the kids coming out of the school, though they get the ABEKA curriculum...they STILL know more about BEYONCE, CHRIS BROWN, RHIANNA, and KANYE WEST, LADY GAGA, than they know Jesus Christ.

Some of the teacher's may have started out with a passion to teach Christian principles, fully led by the Holy Ghost...but after seeing the true nature of the 'church leadership', they are quickly deflated, and the job to teach becomes just a vocation. The 'gift' to teach is quenched. Money becomes the soul of the church, not Christ. Church fights over money...a founding pastor dies, the son takes over, the church board fights his rise to pastorship....and the world laughs... (but that's another note!)

A carnal church will always attack carnally...with works of the flesh at the forefront.

Babylon is always antithetical to Christ. It is anti-Christ. Babylon is represented as a religious whore riding on top of a beast which kills the prophets and saints of God. Perhaps we have missed the point by personifying the Antichrist as a Hitler-type world leader bent on global domination. Antichrist is the religious antithesis of Jesus Christ which flows from Babylon AS Jesus Christ. It is not coming, it is already here, and has been here from the beginning, remember Nimrod? A hunter of souls. Perhaps denominationalism is fruit of the beast. If so, it is no wonder that so many are willing to accept it, and with pride. Who was crucified for you?

With that said, ' The Church' that Jesus is building...will never hurt you. That other thing...and the beasts that dwell therein...yes, that's where pain can come from. If you are a 'worshipper', you are tagged by them, and they will be put on alert to try and taint the testimony of Jesus Christ in you. God knows how much you can bear...if God has you in such a place...take heed to his voice, and be strengthened. But do learn how to thing that I have learned is this:

One summer night, I was looking up at a light post.

It was dark out.

I noticed many, many bugs swarming around the light.

The Holy Spirit said to me, 'Bugs are always drawn to the light, but have you noticed that THEY DON'T LAND on the light, for if they do...THEY DIE, the heat kills them.'

I was amazed at this pratical lesson. He then went on to say...YOU are as that Light...the bugs are as demonic spirits...they will always swarm, but they can't land...unless the light is off.'

It's like that is some church's....bugs...many buzzing bugs. You are the light, as an example as Jesus stated...He is the light of the world...and you are too. Keep Shining...light exposes darkness, and even if you take some hits...endure hardness as a good soldier in Christ!

Just read Ezekiel chapter 8 and 9...that will teach you what was really happening in the Temple, behind closed doors. Same applies to some church's...those spirits still exists for Ezekiel's time to now...for we are STILL IN THE BIBLE DAYS...selah.

Not all church's fall into this category...but let this serve as a clarion call...there are some that are about Father's business...just be warned when the secular system/ceasar walks in...selah A bruised reed...HE will NOT BREAK!

thanks Chip...kt

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