Saturday, June 04, 2011

Are you still a sinner ?

True faith is peace inside of us and not warfare, battle belongs to the lord. The battle is to overcame our sin and not a warfare against something outside.

Don´t mix up this two statements:
 "I WERE a sinner" and and "I AM a sinner".

It is NOT the same, lot of you out there who consider yourself a Sinner are actually brainwashed by all those false Gospels, I have heard some of you saying with some kind of pride: "I AM A SINNER" that is nothing to be pride of.

Even if you don´t sin anymore on purpose you can not say you are sin-free because all where that earlier and you will make a new sins unconsciously before you have realized it is a sin.
BUT if you say "I am a sinner" then you are a conscious sinner because you say it yourself that you are a sinner, which means that you KNOW that you sin and that IS with purpose.

Just because ALL have sinned does NOT mean we are sinners now, IF you still are a sinner you will not inherit Kingdom of God. There is nothing to be pride over to be a sinner.

So if you can not manage to overcame your sin by Grace then you have no Grace.

BibelSvar: Posts A - Z

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