
Over the past month I have made a series of videos on what I see as the Top 50 demonic doctrines that have infiltrated the professing church that is Mystery Babylon. The Scriptures tell us Babylon the apostate church would be a dwelling place of demons with said prophecy having come true already for those given the eyes to see this by the Lord. People become deceived when they eat false words or false doctrines and take them to their heart. These lies become stumbling blocks that prevent one from seeing the truth of the gospel and the whole purpose of Jesus coming and overcoming the world and the enemy and showing us the way to eternal life. To be succesful in ensnaring the multitudes, Satan’s demons bring doctrines that seem godly and very religious on the outside but the leaven, the spiritual poison is hidden in this meal that people have eaten and taken to heart. My hope is more will awaken to the truth and get right with the Lord as He is coming soon. I am sharing the list here and will give links to each of the videos that are all about 30 minutes long and cover 4-6 of the doctrines in greater detail than the summary shown here. Each video begins with some discussion on the importance of sound doctrine and guarding what we put into our hearts. For now the videos are only accessible on my YouTube site.
1. We can rebel against God (practice sin) and surely shall not die
Truth: If we do not keep covenant with God, practicing righteousness being led by the Holy Spirit we shall surely perish. Virtually all other doctrines tie back to this one which was the first lie Satan gave to Eve that deceived her and led to the downfall of mankind and its separation from God.
2. Man chooses God and thereby saves themselves by man’s choice
Truth: God does all the saving and we only have the opportunity to choose Him, if He first chooses us and God does not choose everybody. Man does not build the House of God, Jesus Christ Himself said I will build the church. There is nobody righteous that seeks after the Lord before God chooses us. No boasting allowed, if you know God it was all grace, it was all Him.
3. The true gospel pleases flesh and is attractive to people
Truth: The gospel requires that flesh be crucified and will be vigorously opposed by people who love sin and the lusts of the flesh and worldly desires more than God (1 Thess 2:2). The good news is freedom from our bondage to sin yet the flesh vigorously opposes this gospel. It is going to cost us everything to get free and walk in covenant with God. A very small price for the blessings of eternal life. Few choose to pay the cost of being a disciple of Jesus.
4. Jesus as Lord is a different God from the Old Testament God
Truth: Jesus is the same today as He always has been and God changes not. Grace is the means to escape the wrath of God yet the consequences for ongoing practice of sin remains death. The wrath of the Lamb is coming.
5. There is no need to fear the Lord anymore
Truth: Without the fear of God there can be no true knowledge of God and this has never changed (Proverbs 1:7, Psalm 111:10). If there is no fear of God before our eyes, we are deceived. We are to conduct ourselves in the fear of God while we are in this body of flesh. A reverent fear of the Lord is a very good thing and is essential to walk the highway of holiness.
6. Jesus walked the earth with His godly power
Truth: Jesus walked the earth as a man totally devoid of ALL deity and showed us the way we are to walk being led by the Holy Spirit. Everything Jesus did was performed through a fleshly body filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Any spirit or doctrine that says Jesus did not come 100% in the same flesh and blood as you or me is a false spirit (1 John 4:2).
7. Christians are not supposed to be judging
Truth: We are to judge righteous judgment and call out ungodliness and separate from it and professing Christians who practice such things. We judge not those on the outside of the body of Christ but take the gospel to them. In all we do we must correct and reproof in love and gentleness lest we ourselves be tempted and led astray. (Gal 6:1)
Part one of the video series covers doctrines #1 thru #7. The link to the video is here. http://youtu.be/q5IPL7zTnT0
8. The devil has escaped God’s control
Truth: Jesus has his foot on Satan’s head and nothing happens on this earth and the devil does not do one single thing that is outside of the will of God. God commands the serpent and uses the very instruments He created (Colossians 1) to carry out His divine and perfect will upon this earth.
9. Faith means simply believing Jesus is Savior
Truth: Jesus is not our Savior if He is not first our Lord. Faith is not just believing about Jesus, it is believing Jesus and submitting to all that He says and trusting in Him and the promises given to all that follow Him in obedience. Otherwise our faith is not genuine.
10. God is only Love and loves everyone
Truth: God hates the wicked and all that practice unrighteousness and rebel against His Covenant. He is merciful and will take everyone back who turns their hearts back to Him but if we walk in rebellion, the wrath of God is already abiding upon us.
11. Grace is blanket forgiveness for all sin, past present and future
Truth: Grace is the enabling power of the Holy Spirit that gives us the ability to overcome sin, the world and the powers of darkness. God’s mercy is abundant but it is not endless and without limits. We don’t know the limits of mercy which is why we should not play around with sin.
12. Teaching obedience is works
Truth: We obey because we are saved not to be saved but if we do not practice obedience we clearly are not saved. A true works salvation is teaching any other way of salvation besides being led by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God will lead us into all righteousness and we will sin not.
13. Salvation is a ONE TIME event not a journey
Truth: We must overcome and endure all the way to the end, moving on to maturity in a salvation walk along the highway of holiness. Once called by God, we must finish the race God has set before us.
Part two of the video series covers doctrines #8 thru #13. The link to the video is here. http://youtu.be/ur71sIKjASM
14. The Law of God no longer applies to Christians
Truth: Jesus did not come to destroy the Law, not even one jot or tittle and in fact Jesus raised the standards for holiness and godliness for each of the 10 commandments. The law still stands and is there to convict and bring judgment to transgressors that do not walk by the Spirit of God.
15. Christians are spared tribulation and severe afflictions
Truth: The path into the Kingdom of God is only thru great tribulation and trials; it is how God tests all faith and purifies our hearts so that we learn to depend solely on Him. (ACTS 14:22, 1 Peter 4:12, Isaiah 48:10)
16. We can ignore the devil as Jesus took care of it on the cross
Truth: The enemy comes to test our faith (Jer 6:27) and bring judgment when we are outside the will of God (Isaiah 13). True sons overcome, they resist the devil and respond to the Lord’s discipline and turn our hearts back to Him in all purity. If we ignore the devil, we will be overcome and not have the freedom that only Jesus provides thru the Holy Spirit.
17. We are judged by the perfect obedience of Jesus
Truth: It is the doers of the law not the hearers who will be justified before God. The sons of God are led by the Spirit of God and consequently do not practice unrighteousness and are forgiven if they fall down and sin; but everyone else who does not strive to obey and aim for perfection will be judged and cast into the lake of fire. We are credited righteousness without merit but must walk in obedience to the one we henceforth call our Lord.
18. The Gift of eternal life has no conditions attached to it
Truth: The gift of eternal life is given unmerited as part of God’s mercy and grace but to receive the gift we must meet many conditions of endurance, overcoming, surrender, and dying to self. The bar of worthiness for being a disciple (follower) of Jesus was set very high by the KING.
19. Once saved, we cannot lose our salvation
Truth: If we do not endure and finish the journey we can fall away from faith and like the original Jewish people can be cut off the vine and these branches will be gathered and thrown into the fire. (John 15 and Romans 11:22). There is eternal security but it presupposes one stays following Jesus and does not wander off the narrow path led astray by the deceitfulness of sin.
20. Christians cannot have demons
Truth: Demons and deliverance from them is necessary to clear the land of the enemy and find true peace that transcends all understanding. We are the living stones that make up the spiritual temple of the Lord. Deliverance is only for the children of God, i.e. “Christians” and believing demons automatically leave when one comes to faith is one of the most insidious demonic doctrines that have taken hold in the apostate churches. Jesus said in my name you will cast out devils…, which were idle words if they left automatically.
Part three of the video series covers doctrines #14 thru #20. The link to the video is here. http://youtu.be/rfwN5hlyDCM
21. God hears all our prayers
Truth: Children in covenant with the Lord have their prayers answered. We can ask for anything in His name and He said He will do it (John 14:14). Yet the prayers of those outside of covenant or in rebellion to covenant are not even heard says the Lord (Proverbs 1:28). He turns His face away and our sins separate us from the Lord (Isaiah 59). We need to repent and turn our hearts back to Him to have our prayers heard much less answered.
22. The Word of God Unites people
Truth: Jesus did not come to bring peace but a sword. Following Jesus brings division with all those not following Jesus. The WORD is a sword that divides and by our testimonies, the world will come to hate us and persecute us and our enemies could even become those of our own household. They killed the Lord , the Prophets and the Disciples for preaching and living a godly life and the same will happen to all that do this today.
23. The nation of Israel is God’s Israel
Truth: The children of God were NEVER children of the flesh. The heirs to the promise given to Abraham are those born again of the spiritual seed of Isaac. There has always only been one Vine, one church and one Bride. We must be Born Again to be God’s people and even Nicodemus was supposed to know this but did not. The modern-day nation of Israel is not the Israel of God. Romans 9 – All Israel is not Israel yet Romans 11- All Israel shall be saved. The everlasting sign of God’s people was the covenant of circumcision given to Abraham, this is a circumcision of the heart and that is who comprises the spiritual children of the Lord (Romans 2:28-29). The flesh wants to look to a modern nation as Israel yet Abraham himself was not looking for a piece of dirt, he was looking for a spiritual city and home (Hebrews 11:10).
24. We must keep the Sabbath to be saved
Truth: Romans 10:4 Christ is the end of the law for righteousness. Romans 3:21 Now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been manifested. The law of Moses was nailed to the cross at Calvary for those in covenant with the Lord. Keep the Sabbath if you wish and God will bless you as He blesses all that we do from a pure heart to glorify Him, but do not judge your brother on this issue (Romans 14:20). Romans 8:2 The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death. Love is fulfillment of all the law.
25. We are commanded to go to church
Truth: The word church is a misnomer. The church is the called out people of God that He has chosen and is purifying by the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. The body of Christ is the church, they do not go to church yet they do seek to assemble and fellowship. What man calls church is a meeting house or an assembly place. We are called to fellowship but not with unbelievers and not with those practicing sin yet professing faith (1 Cor 5). We must separate from the ungodly (2 Cor 6). Yet we are encouraged to get together and meet with true brethren to break bread, take communion and to wash each others feet which means to purge sin from our midst.
Part four of the video series covers doctrines #21 thru #25. The link to the video is here http://youtu.be/LfmnJlh846k
26. There is safety in the crowd of Christianity
Truth: The way is narrow, the gate is small and few there be shall find the way said Jesus. There are warnings galore to us that popularity would deceive people and give them a false security and a false peace and then suddenly destruction will come (1 Thess 5:3). We must work out our salvation with fear and trembling knowing that the devil will deceive the whole world and that the professing church would be fallen away and in apostasy in the end times, a virtual dwelling place of demons controlled by the powers of darkness. Hello my friends this is a reality right now.
27. Jesus accepts us just as we are
Truth: We can come as we are but we certainly cannot stay as we are. If we truly have repented God will rebirth us into a new creation and there will be a radical change in our lives. 2 Cor 5:17 - Therefore IF any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. If there is not a radical change, we do not YET know the Lord.
28. We must be absolutely sinless to enter eternal life
Truth: Born Again Christians do not practice sin, as they cannot, the conviction and leadings of the Spirit of God will not allow them (1 John 3:7). But God is merciful and has made provisions of forgiveness for those in covenant with Him. Our aim must absolutely be perfection and sinless because otherwise we tell God we love something as much or more as we love Him. Romans 8:1 There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. If and when we stumble out of weakness or ignorance and sin, the Holy Spirit will convict us and we will confess that sin to the Lord and He will forgive. Thankfully we don’t have to execute to perfection but that must indeed be the aim in our heart.
29. When we fall away from faith, we cannot come back
Truth: God is merciful and His mercy endures forever. We have a Prodigal Son story to remind us that it is never too late to turn back to your Father. He will always take you back. The enemy will lie and tell us we cannot go back but Jesus is standing as a ROCK waiting for you to return to Him. Run back to Him and do not stay in sin and give up and let the devil steal the promise of eternal life.
30. We must tithe 10% of our income
Truth: The Law of Moses including tithing was all nailed to the cross. There is absolutely no set rules for giving and who to give it to. Children of God do not live for themselves they live for Jesus and will naturally be cheerful givers who help the poor, provide hospitality and support missions, teachers and assembly houses (churches) as led by the Spirit of God. Brethren do not hoard things or seek to build bigger barns and covetousness is far from them.
Part five of the video series covers doctrines #26 thru #30. The link to the video is here http://youtu.be/tqPWvxcrYxA
31. We must use the Hebrew names or else we are worshipping the devil
Truth: Faith has never been what we say with our lips. God wants our hearts. The English name for the Lord and Savior has become Jesus and that is perfectly acceptable way to refer to Him. While there is nothing wrong with using the Hebrew names Yahshua for the Lord, this movement secretly is bringing Christians back under the law that was nailed to the cross and is making its followers into evil judges of hearts. They are reaping judgment already and I hope they repent. Having begun by the Spirit they are now trying to be perfected by the works of their flesh. Proceed with great caution when getting involved with Hebrew Roots and Messianic Jewish movements.
32. Universalism: God will save all He created
Truth: Jesus said that very few will be saved and find the way to eternal life. God is the potter and we are the clay and the potter has reserved for Himself the right to make vessels destined for mercy and vessels destined for wrath. This growing Universalism movement that is wrapped in a perverted concept of God’s ”love” is leading many to the pits of hell with a false happiness that is really is a God sent delusion in response to their love of unrighteousness in their hearts (2 Thess 2:12)
33. We will all be raptured away before tribulation comes
Truth: Jesus will come on the LAST DAY of this earth as He spoke 4 times in John 6. The wicked are taken first by a spiritual destruction that comes about by the powers of darkness that apostasy ignores. This is the feast of demons. The way to the kingdom of God is thru great tribulation as even the story of Shadrach makes perfectly clear. This rapture doctrine is of the flesh and is demonic and many will fall away and grow in unbelief as this earth continues in ever-increasing darkness. The peace and safety delusion is going to give way to destruction and that destruction will begin in the house of God and is spiritual. It has already started in earnest.
34. The gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased
Truth: Jesus said we would do the works He did and even greater works. We need the power of the Holy Spirit and the gifts to perform the kingdom work in all fullness. The bible is not perfect as men have touched it so perfect has not come. The reason so little of the professing church has no power is because they do not believe and have not dealt with sin in the congregation.
35. The Bible is or is not the Word of God
Truth: The Bible is the written WORD of God but remains a dead letter or dead book unless one is Born Again of the Spirit of God. Flesh cannot discern the hidden and deep meanings and symbolism in the Bible on its own intellect and strength. God must show it to you. But when the Spirit comes, if you seek Him, the Bible comes alive with revelation and wisdom to all that fear the Lord. Studying the Bible without the Spirit is fruitless and will not save anyone without repentance. Let him who has ears, hear the WORD of God. Jesus the living WORD that lives inside of us will reveal to His servants what the written WORD means and these instructions will help guide us on the narrow path that leads to eternal life.
Part SIX of the video series covers doctrines #31 thru #35. The link to the video is here http://youtu.be/ggcw9tjMZfs
36. We are Born Again the moment we come to faith
Truth: Our faith is tested and proven by God and as we put to death the deeds of the flesh, only then are we Born Again. For something to be born again, something must first die. Jesus told us in John 12 that a grain of wheat must first fall to the ground and die before it can come back to life and bear fruit. A seed does not bear fruit and break forth from the soil until it has first died, taken root then is brought forward in newness of life.
37. The mission of Jesus was to forgive sins
Truth: Sure Jesus forgives sins for people who are in Covenant with Him but that is not why He came. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and free us from the power of sin and our bondage to it. If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed. Sins were forgiven under the Old Covenant so Jesus did not have to suffer and overcome sin, the devil and the flesh for that reason.
38. The Apostle Paul was a false Apostle
Truth: Paul was chosen by Jesus and raised up as a mighty apostle. The words written by Paul agree perfectly with the things taught by Jesus properly divided, taken as a whole when we can get free of the doctrines of demons that are causing spiritual blindness.
39. God’s Love is comforting people practicing sin
Truth: The love of God is to obey His commandments and to truly love our neighbors we must risk their rejection and tell them the truth about sin and the requirements to overcome sin to be in covenant with the Lord. Man has perverted grace and as a result has also perverted love. All who live and teach a godly life in Christ will be persecuted and this persecution comes in response to loving them with the truth that offends flesh and raises up opposition to those not seeking the Lord.
Part SEVEN of the video series covers doctrines #36 thru #39. The link to the video is here http://youtu.be/CQDUaqnwreQ
40. We invite Jesus into our heart to be saved
Truth: The whole concept of inviting Jesus in and making a commitment to Jesus is relatively new and a sign of the end times. Jesus is the Lord and He alone chooses who will make up His church. When that call comes, we need to answer it by repentance and from that point forward obey Him. We walk as Jesus walked and we follow Him to the cross and give up this life to gain our eternal life.
41. Christians’s Deliverance from demons is not Holy or biblical
Truth: We must overcome sin and the enemy that has been set before us by God. Jesus Himself said demons were cast out by the power of the Holy Spirit meaning it is a very holy act and we were told that in His name we would cast out devils. One reason the church is fast asleep and in bondage to the powers of darkness is that they have let Hollywood and not the Scriptures define the truth about deliverance from demons.
42. The Bible must only be interpreted literally
Truth: There is literal meaning and historical revelation in Scripture, however, the entire Bible is written with metaphors, types and symbols that also convey deep and hidden spiritual understanding that is consistent throughout. The Spirit of God must show us this meaning as Jesus spoke in parables, metaphors and riddles so that the wise in the flesh would not understand (Matthew 13:13-17)
43. Ordination at seminary is necessary and qualifies one to be a pastor
Truth: God Himself raises up all teachers, shepherds and ministers. Going to seminary does not necessarily mean someone is false yet all true teachers and shepherds without these flesh credentials are rejected by the mainstream. The Apostate church has instead looked to the institutions of men for their shepherds and Satan has used this system to bring in many false shepherds that are mere hirelings scattering the flock.
Part EIGHT of the video series covers doctrines #40 thru #43. The link to the video is here http://youtu.be/YYLV0jiJrJQ
44. God’s mercy is unlimited
Truth: Mercy is abundant but is not unlimited. The era of mercy comes to a close and many are storing up wrath for the day of judgment. God is patient and longsuffering but will judge each man according to His deeds.
45. Jesus finished all the works, we have nothing to do
Truth: Jesus definitely finished His work yet all that claim to have faith have many things they must do to be saved. All our work is done being led by the Holy Spirit but we must diligently labor to carry out the will of God for our life. (Hebrews 4:11)
46. If you divorce and remarry you must divorce your new spouse otherwise you are in continual adultery
Truth: Teaching against divorce is correct, however much of the current Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage (MDR) teachings are demonic and deny the finished works of Jesus and the power of the blood of Jesus to transform us making all things new and wiping away the debt of our prior sin. Such teachings promote the works of the flesh to justify ourselves before God and have led many to leave spouses and children and have put them under a yoke of bondage. Let such men that teach this be accursed. A true Born Again Christian could not initiate and go thru divorce as to be doing this would require the ongoing practice of sin and we know that is not possible for a true believer (1 John 2:4) Most MDR “christians” have never actually been born of God, they are just tares so their real need is true repentance and not to follow these men that tell them to abandon their families to make themselves justified before God.
47. Studying Prophecy is misguided and takes our focus off of Jesus
Truth: There are no idle words of Scripture and end time prophecy was given to us so the brethren would know the time and seasons which would keep us submitted to the Lord and not moved by the spiritual earthquakes and judgments already being poured out on this earth. Most mainstream churches sadly do not teach on prophecy and an even bigger problem is they have no understanding because they are in the flesh.
48. God does not speak to us today
Truth: Unless God is speaking to you, you do not know Him, have not the Spirit of God and are not saved. Jesus said His sheep hear His voice and follow Him (John 10:27)
49. Jesus will come to establish a kingdom and rule on this earth for 1,000 years
Truth: Jesus is ruling and reigning on the throne right now and those Born Again are ruling and reigning with Him. True brethren are already seated in the heavenly’s (Eph 2:6) and know that the Kingdom of God is not of this world. We are in the world but not of the world and Jesus is going to establish new heavens and a new earth and all that we know today will be burned with fire.
50. Jesus is not God
Truth: Jesus is God and is the Lord that created everything. The King spoke through His prophets and is the Holy One of Israel, the Lord of Hosts, the Redeemer, Creator, Prince of Peace, the Alpha and the Omega (beginning and the end) and is the ALL-IN-ALL for all whom truly believe. Satan is using this as a very important doctrine to sow unbelief and division within the house of God. It is foolish of men to think we can understand and know all the things of God. Jesus and the Father are ONE.
NOTE: VIDEOS Part #9 and Part #10 to complete the top 50 will be uploaded over the next couple of days so check back here or on YouTube for the videos.
Tell a lie often enough and it will become accepted as the truth if the people of God do not search out the Scriptures and discern and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit who will guide us into all truth.
There are many other lies of Satan that have become accepted as truth in many christian circles. I am sure I left out a some demonic doctrines; but the big ones have been covered and just know there will be many offshoots and corollaries of these 50 doctrines. The devil knows he only as a little while left and is out in full force to deceive and take as many people with him to the lake of fire. DO NOT BE DECEIVED.
Guard your heart and what you put into it. Test the spirits, do not be impressed or judge Christians things by external appearances or by the flesh. Know that the enemy has sowed the tares that look just like the wheat while everyone has been fast asleep. Follow Jesus and He will show you the way to overcome and not be led astray by deception. Constructive comments are welcome and encouraged. Note that I closed comments on YouTube due to a number of harsh, arrogant and ungodly comments from people in bondage to demons yet do not even know it. I do not want to give Satan any platform to further sow error and division and to tear down any message that could awaken people to their apostasy.
About #2
ReplyDelete"Men do not decide who is in the Body of Christ." is totally true but it is important to know that (at least I believe that) each one will have several chances to chose God but not infinitely many opportunities. Hebrews 3:15
while it is said: “ Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.”
Acts 19:8-12
..And he went into the synagogue and spoke boldly for three months, reasoning and persuading concerning the things of the kingdom of God. But when some were hardened and did not believe, but spoke evil of the Way before the multitude, he DEPARTED from them and withdrew the disciples, reasoning daily in the school of Tyrannus. And this continued for two years, so that ALL who dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks.
About #6
ReplyDeleteSome claims this:
God can't stop being fully God. Jesus walked on earth as fully God and fully man. He lowered Himself as He left His majestic throne but still retained His full Godness. The statement " Jesus walked as a man totally devoid of ALL deity" is heresy.
I believe it is wrong.
No it is not heresy Jesus said that him self, He gave up freely all deity. How could you identify yourself with Him if he still was God on the earth. That is heresy.
We must understand that a 100% man can be God when he's not man anymore and before he became a man. This is what is so difficult to understand and the church teaches that Jesus is God when he is human being, then it will be strange that he could be tempted for God can not be tempted. Someone can be forgiven if he does not believe that Jesus is God, then surely it is ok, but the Bible says that whoever does not believe that Jesus is the man you do not have a holy spirit that leads.
The whole thing is that Jesus is 100% man and Christ is 100% God, Jesus was God first, it was then, resumed his place with God after he was resurrected and went to heaven
It says that his father gave him his place and said he could become one with God as God. On earth, Jesus was 100% man who lived in 100% will of God because he was Spirit-led.