Thursday, June 02, 2011

What is Gospel ?

Jesus came to purify for himself a peculiar people holy and set apart from this world. He died for our sins while we were yet sinners out of love. 

No greater love than this (John 15). All we have to do is believe Him once the Father draws us near and grants us repentance.
  Believing Him requires us to make covenant, by repentance, going to the cross and dying to self (giving up this life in the flesh) to gain eternal life. Henceforth He pours out His Spirit upon us (more grace) and we are led by that Spirit into all righteousness overcoming sin, the world and the powers of darkness. This is really good news in that we now have His strength and His weapons to wage the war against sin and the enemy. The sons of God are led by the Spirit of God and if we keep following, we are saved and being saved and will receive the gift of eternal life at the end of the road. Many false gospels make Jesus Christ a minister for sin (Gal 2:17) and do not consider or count the costs of discipleship. No turning back. We are either all in on this deal or we deceive ourselves.

Abraham had faith as is the father of it. What he believed was that God had the power to raise a new man out from his old dying body and that new man would become an heir to the promise. That new man Isaac once born (Born Again) became a living and holy sacrifice unto the Lord. Abraham took Isaac to the MT to kill him as God instructed. That is what we do in faith. We lay down our life to save our life. Jesus said no greater love than this, that you lay down your life for a friend. Are we a true friend of Jesus?
Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil which is sin in our lives. 
We are in bondage to sin and we cannot overcome unless we put on the divine nature which is the Holy Spirit.

Forgiveness of sins is an added benefit for children of the promise when they stumble, but they get right back up. Jesus did not come to forgive although He does forgive. He came to set us free from prison and the captors, those are the words He spoke in Luke 4:18 when He began His earthly ministry.

He has come to set the captives free. 
That is great news. He who the sons sets free shall be free indeed (John 8). rejoice in this good news. But you must decide in your heart to get in on it, it requires you to pay a cost that is forsaking all that is in this world. Seems like a small price to pay in return for eternal life.
Do you really believe Jesus?

Most think He was kidding and want to Him to be Savior but not Lord.  He must be both or He is neither.

If you are Buddhist or any other religion
Not to be crass or anything but one cannot hear the words of God and understand this gospel unless God gives you the eyes to see it and the ears to hear it.

This is what Jesus told the Jews that believed on Him in John 8. He said you do not understand my speech because you are not of God. We must come to a place of brokenness in spirit and turn our hearts to God and then He opens eyes. Jesus is the prince of peace. The peace is on the inside, not the outside. Are you peaceful really and truly on the inside and worry not about tomorrow or the next day or what people say or think?

The gospel is simple yet appears very complicated to those on the outside.
I know because I was on the outside despite professing a Christian and it was not until God gave me ears and eyes to see that I could understand. The book of the Bible is a sealed book (Isaiah 29) and most of what you see as Christian really is not Christian, it is the fake, the tares that look just like the wheat. God allows them both to grow up together so this make it impossible for a non believer to see the truth as they see what appears to be great hypocrisy in Christians. There is no such thing in true Christians. Jesus said few there be shall find the way. 
Only an escaped remnant will make it. 

By unknown FB friend.

King of Kings

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