Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jesus is a FACT

And I will say, that if any person came in to the Cathedral making the claims Jesus made about himselve, I would offer the suggestion that they should submit to psychoanalysis and go to a hospital – unless I could see a twinkle in their eyes – because no mortal man can make these claims. But if with the claims that person said, "Slay me and in three days I'll come out of the tomb and sail off into the blue," and three days later that same person came out of the tomb and sailed off into the blue, I'd take another look at the one making the claims. I don't need anything else as a basis for my faith.

I don't need all the fancy philosophic or trinitarian doctrines. This RESURRECTED ONE, if it happened, is my starting point for a personal and real God.
If I can find on the stage of history the One whose words I can spend my life researching, who was perfect, the center of all authority, the center of the religious universe, and all of these things, including having redeemed me, raised and prepared mansions in eternity, that's all the God I need. I start right there.

Fact 1. That Jesus lived.  
Fact 2. That He was crucified at the instigation of certain Jewishreligious leaders in Jerusalem.
Fact 3. That He was considered dead.
Fact 4. He was buried in a known, accessible tomb.
Fact 5. He was then preached raised.
Fact 6. The Jewish leaders who instigated the crucifixion were more interested in disproving His Resurrection than we would be today.
Fact 7. The Disciples were persecuted because of preaching the claims of His Resurrection.
Fact 8. The tomb was empty.


  1. The greatest of all sins is to be conscious of none.
    There's nothing as despicable as a person who thinks he's never made a mistake.
    That conscious, self-righteous, perfectionist image is not something to respond to, because the wisdom of mankind combines in the knowledge that nobody's perfect.

  2. The spirit of God draws a person, no one comes to the Father saved unless the spirit draw him.

  3. I forgive you -- Or?
    " I forgive somebody for something" ... but if it's in your mind and you still keep it in your mind a year after when you meet him/her down the road and say "Well remember what you did the last time?"
    You never released it!! When we say to somebody "You're forgiven" it is not in our capacity.
    Only God can put that in us to release something
