Thursday, March 17, 2011

We live in a awkward world

Your image will be that of God or that of SELF

 Death is just as common as life and it is relentless. Animals kill each other. Animals kill man. Man kills animals. Man kills man (Gen 9:5-6, Eccl 1:4, 3:19 , 4:16 ). This cycle will continue in this fallen world until God’s purposes are complete (Gen 8:22 , Ps 49:15, Eccl 3:19 ). What shall be said of this: Ecclesiastes 12:7, “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” AND Psalms 89:48, “What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death? shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave? Selah.” Jesus came to bring truth and eternal life. Christ paid a debt that we could not and reconciles fallen man back under God’s authority. We are to put aside our hostilities and take up the banner of love (Song of Solomon 2:4). Love is God’s nature and we best comply. We must relish God’s authority with all respect and worship and come out of our rebellion. Your image must be reconciled through Jesus with that of God.
Those who worship self will have no place with God.
The Antichrist spirit is in the world

The generation born just after the second world war known as the “baby boomers” has been referred to as the “ME” generation. It has been characterized by selfishness and rebellion. This generation paralleled the establishment of the United Nations and the re-establishment of Israel as a recognized nation with sovereign borders. The self-centeredness and rebellion has accelerated since: abortion, sexual revolution, the pill, feminism, rebellious music forms, television, Sodomites, etc., and has become the norm for modern society and for most of the established religious institutions that claim to follow God, this gives confusion in churches.
This is the Antichrist generation that paves the way.
The rebellion is now so complete in the world that those who truly follow Christ have become exceedingly bright lights due to the surrounding darkness.

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